Creative sick bed

I’ve been feeling like crap this week. Nothing major just a head cold,Temperature and general aches and pains.

Weather in Clonmel is one torrential downpour after the other and everyone is just generally miserable! I’ve been very productive blog wise this week as it’s keeping my mind and body entertained. Maybe it’s the benelyin cold and flu tablets… I might need to get sick more lol

Anyway on the back of yesterday’s post on digital drawings, I continued my fun. To be honest I still don’t know what I’m at and as you can tell I’ve a long way to go but I’ve already figured out a few cool tricks and once I get the swing of things I think it will really come together.

This started as another self-portrait but I got fed up and started focusing on messing with the smudging and brushes so it’s not REALLY me… Though I wish my hair was this thick!

I tried to leave it black and white… I really did!! But I liked the dreamy element the colour added.. Works with the slight smile (again I’m blaming the meds) 🙂

Hope the weather and general form is good where you are at and have a lovely weekend!

(Pop me a comment with any good tips, digital drawing or head cold wise!!)

Cam x

4 thoughts on “Creative sick bed

  1. cynthiamvoss says:

    Sorry to great you are sick. When I have a cold I like hot water with lemon and honey when I want a break from tea. About a quarter of a lemon is good just squeeze and drop into the cup and pour the hot water over it. And I feel like my body needs lots of food and energy to get better, so it’s kind of an excuse to snack a lot when I’m sick lol. I have no tips on digital drawing, but I think what you’ve done is great!

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